Aloe Enzyme Calming Gel | PriyanaMD

VersaMask® Aloe Enzyme Calming Gel Mask

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Gentle Sensitive Skin Exfoliator

Pure luxury and soothing exfoliation is at your fingertips with Aloe Enzyme Exfoliation Gel. This non abrasive microderm exfoliation is similar to a gommage (gel consistency) and is formulated to help gently remove dead skin cells and exfoliate the skin for all skin types. Light and gentle manual exfoliation used for the consumer that wants to benefit from beautiful skin, this product can be used multiple times a week for the ultimate skin polish. Formulated with enzyme-rich Aloe Leaf Extract, Sodium Hylauronate, Papain and and Fruit Extracts to hydrate while gently removing dead skin cells, increase cell turnover and rejuvenate the skins tone and texture. Rich in Enzymes + amino acids and is a powerful antioxidant gel that promotes a youthful glow. Our Aloe Enzyme is used for sensitive skin that needs hydration, removal of dead skin cells and skin polishing. If you are more interested in skin lightening and hydration benefits, try our Blue Enzyme Exfoliation Gel. 

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