
Exfoliating Acids: Adding BHA and AHA to your skincare routine

Posted by Zahra Spencer on Aug 27th 2018

Exfoliating Acids: Adding BHA and AHA to your skincare routine

Despite what you might think, acids can actually be good for your skin! Not all acids of course (we wouldn’t advise putting sulfuric acid in your face cream, for instance), but some acids can actually do wonders for your skin! Today, we’re talking exfoliants! Fun fact: acids can be really amazing exfoliators, and few acids do as good a job as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), like glycolic and lactic acids and Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) (also known as salicylic acid!). 

Together, these two amazing acids are great at removing dead skin cells and adding that sun-kissed glow to dull, lifeless skin. 

AHAs are like a scrub in that they act on the surface of your skin to gently remove those annoying dead skin cells by dissolving the bonds between them so you can easily wash them away! The result is fresh, soft, supple skin with a reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, dark marks, acne scars and other visible skin imperfections. 

BHA otherwise known as salicylic acid is a pretty common ingredient in many acne cleansers and for good reason! This super-cleanser leaves you skin squeaky clean by getting deep into your pores and getting rid of all the excess acne-causing impurities. Since it is oil-soluble (unlike AHAs which are water-soluble) it is able to dissolve the excess sebum and oils in your pores leaving your skin fresh and clean. 

That’s why incorporating both AHAs and BHA into your routine will give your skin everything it needs to tackle those skin problems we are afflicted with at every angle! 

If you are looking for products that are bursting with AHAs and BHA then luckily, you are in the right place and we can help you incorporate these awesome acids into your regimen. An easy way to incorporate these acids into your regimen, use VersaCleanse® by PriyanaMD®, formulated with 3% AHA, 2% BHA acids, botanicals and Vitamins such as Aloe, Green Tea and Licorice leaving your skin soft and supple. For a more intense treatment, use VersaPeel® Makeover In a Bottle, with 5 AHA/BHA acid blend and 3 skin lightening agents. This no downtime peel, is a 3 minute treatment that gives instant flawless complexion and radiant skin.

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